Thursday, August 17, 2006

Pics with the Kids!

Some of the kids involved in NYRR Foundation programs before our run together a few weeks ago.


At 9:57 PM, Blogger MEF said...

sarah, i love that you've posted these! congratulations on your 12 mile run by yourself! i'm off to maine this weekend, where i will be doing a 14 miler on my own...good idea to have mom sitting in the volvo with some gatorade :) see you at the NYC half! --moira

At 1:23 AM, Blogger Danika said...

Hey Sarah,
It was so great running with you in the 9:30 pace group at Rockefellar Park. What a great way to finally meet, even though 14 miles is not exactly a place for long conversations! But def looking forward to our future runs and next weeks 1/2 marathon (+3!). How are you after 14 miles? I'm beat! But so happy and amazed my body actually survived it. :) I'm puting your blog on my links as well. Great idea! See you hopefully at the practices!

At 7:54 AM, Blogger Dave Wakeman's Blog said...

Coach Alem, "You are not listening to me."


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