Wednesday, July 05, 2006

it's getting HOT

over this fabulous holiday weekend I went for two exceptionally hot runs, all I have to say is thank goodness this thing isn't until november. saturday i ran the 6 mile loop around central park plus the 1.5 loop around the resevoir, and it was quite warm to say the least... thank goodness for the trees which provided somewhat ample amounts of shade.

monday the 3rd I ran down on the track on the east river in the direct hot, hot sun. did some sprint work and interval training and had some wicked flashbacks to field hockey pre-season. although I didn't run that far, i was certainly feeling those sprints the next morning!

first training run with my team this saturday in the park!


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Dave Wakeman's Blog said...

Look at you, sprints and everything.

Oh my Monday afternoon run was a scorcher. As in the I don't usually stop for water breaks, but I will make an exception today variety.

I'm ready for the Dash and Splash run, a week from Saturday.

At 1:38 PM, Blogger MEF said...

hi sarah!

i uploaded one photo on the right, one on the left and one in the center. it was kind of a pain. call it beginner's luck! ;)

i'm all sorts of excited for saturday!


At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the blog, girl! Look forward to meeting you at Team for Kids...

-Betsy Palmieri

At 2:04 PM, Blogger MEF said...

sarah, we're going to have to wear red shirts next run so that we can find each other!!

i hope today went well!



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