Monday, July 17, 2006

TFK Training Week #1

Starting my Team for Kids training last Saturday with a 5 mile run in Central Park to determine which pace groups we will be in. We were instructed to run at a conversational pace (one at which we could hold a conversation). I finished the 5 miles in 44:18, and ran the whole time with an awesome fellow TFK-er who I met that morning, Jen.

Then we were assigned a pace group based on our time, and I will start my training in the... wait for it... 10:00/mile pace group. This is the pace (called the "Commute" pace) at which we will run most of our endurance runs.

I met some great people, the team is HUGE and the coaches are so enthusiastic. It's going to be tough, but will definitely be a great time!

During the week I did my two mid-week runs on my own, 3 miles Tuesday morning, and 5 miles Thursday afternoon, with a power yoga class on Wednesday as my cross training. The most difficult thing for me was trying to stay at my Commute pace as I am used to running as hard and as fast as I can and being super-competitive with myself (I call it the Northern East-Coast syndrome). I managed to stay close to my pace, but ended up running closer to a 9:30 mile. My "conversation" consisted of me singing along to my music while running, which I managed to do for most of the two runs, much to the dismay of the ears of those around me!


At 2:02 PM, Blogger MEF said...

hi sarah!

good job sticking to the commute pace! i'm in the 11:30 pace group, and it's hard to take it easy, but better in the long run (no pun intended) i think.

hope i get to meet you soon! stay cool!


At 2:31 PM, Blogger Dave Wakeman's Blog said...

All this time I thought you knew Jen and Jeremy the whole time.

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Dave Wakeman's Blog said...

One more thing, the dedicated readers of the Sarah blog feel neglected.

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Dave Wakeman's Blog said...

One more thing, the dedicated readers of the Sarah blog feel neglected.

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally getting caught up on Sarah's blog!

All I have to say is the singing while running thing... fabulous.


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