Friday, August 04, 2006


Yesterday before our training run we had a chance to meet one of the NYRR Foundation running groups, "The Rabbits." There were kids of all ages, from 5-18 and they were all from the same community in East Harlem. A few of the kids and some parents spoke about their experience with the team, and shared how much the program has changed their daily lives, their health, and their family. Many of the parents participate in the runs with their kids, and a few of the parents are even running the marathon in November!

What struck me the most about the whole experience was talking to the kids and hearing that in most, if not all of their schools, they had no physical education during the day, and many didn't even get time for recess. So they basically sit in a classroom all day without a break or any time outside (I don't know about you, but I can't even sit still at age 24 for more than an hour without getting restless). One of the mothers said that the biggest improvement in her children since they started the program is that they have been better able to concentrate on their schoolwork and spend less time in front of the TV.

After talking with the kids for a bit, we partnered up with them to do some stretching. My partner was this adorable 5 year old named Sebastian. I first introduced myself and he kind of looked at me with these wide, fearful eyes, so I thought maybe his English wasn't very good (most of the kids were Mexican-American). So then I tried to introduce myself in my very broken Spanish, and still no response. So I keep trying to make conversation, half in Spanish, half in English... nothing happening. About a minute into this pathetic attempt on my part, a fellow TFK-er, Albert, comes over and introduces himself, at which point Sebastian introduces himself in perfect English, they start talking all about running and school. Apparently I am too scary for 5-year-old boys!

So we stretched, played a few games of Tug-of-war (which we totally rocked!), then ran for a bit with the kids. Some of them are SO fast and totally put me to shame. Basically I was running with a bunch of 8 year olds who were totally keeping up with us! When I was 8, a lap around the soccer field felt like an eternity, and here these kids ran our first two miles with us!

The programs are so successful that there is a long waiting list for schools that want to participate. Currently there are about 15,000 kids involved across the country, and they are hoping to raise that number to 25,000 by the end of next year. Much of their funding for the programs comes from Team For Kids fundraising efforts, so please donate if you haven't already!

Hopefully I'll post some pictures of me with the kiddies once they've been posted to the TFK site!


At 12:22 AM, Blogger Dave Wakeman's Blog said...

In some ways, you are scary to 31 year old boys too.

Sebastien was just wondering where his good buddy and neighbor Dave was.


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