Week Threee
First: check out this article from last week's NY Post (the paragon of fine journalism):
And now for the week three training update:
So far, so good. I've finished my third week of training and am still standing, so I'd say that's a positive. On Tuesday evening I ran with the team in the park. This was my first run in the 9:30 pace group, I definitely kept up the new pace. Met an awesome woman, Ellen, who is training for her second marathon and somehow makes time to train with a 7-9 work schedule and a two hour commute each day. Huge shout out to Ellen for that!
Thursday was another wonderful 5:30 AM run along the East River. Despite being extremely sore from yoga the night before, I somehow got out of bed and managed to get in my hour run without passing out. I must say though, it's totally worth getting up that early to see the sunrise over the brooklyn bridge (and all the chinese women doing their exercises that I don't really understand, apparently walking backwards and swinging your arms like you are flying is all the rage these days).
Couldn't make the long group run on Saturday morning as I was volunteering all day at Super Saturday for the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. (I mean, really, who volunteers in the Hamptons?) So I got in my 9 mile run on Sunday evening in Central Park. Thankfully by 6 when I started it had cooled off a bit and I managed to finish on pace and feeling good. Best part of thea run was totally dominating the Great Hill which I haven't run in a while. It's a nice confidence booster when the people that passed you a hundred yards before the hill have to start walking half-way up, while I'm still trucking along at my 9:30 pace. Especially when, hypothetically, it's a super skinny girl and her cute boyfriend.
Bring it on, week 4. It's gonna be a HOT one.