I was getting nervous about the big day and then I saw this...
this man and his son have completed
* 206 Triathlons, 6 Ironman distances
* 20 Duathlons
* 64 Marathons, 24 straight Boston Marathons
* 7 18.6 Milers
* 78 Half Marathons
* 1 20K
* 34 10 Milers
* 27 Falmouth 7.1 milers, 1 Falmouth in the Fall
* 8 15K
* 204 10K
* 143 5 Milers
* 4 8K
* 15 4 Milers
* 92 5K
* 6 20 Milers
* 2 11K
For their whole story go to: http://www.teamhoyt.com
That is an amazing story and I had something in my eye while watching the video. They truly are an inspiring pair.
sarah, thank you so much for this. i just saw an ad on tv for the marathon and cried (i admit it!) and then i watched this and am now sobbing...what an amazing thing to see.
see you tomorrow,
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