Wednesday, October 11, 2006

back in action

I am now fully back into my training regiment! While my hamstring still feels a little irritated at times, as Dad always said, how does it feel on a scale of 1 to 10? Well, pops, I'd say it's about a 9.245, not quite an A, but a high A-.

A quick training update: the theme is adverse weather conditions, FYI.

10/1/06: Grete's Gallop/Norwegian Festival 13.1 mile run in Central Park. POURED rain the entire time, from 30 minutes prior to the start until I crossed the finish line. I was FREEZING cold, but finished in about 2:02. Of course right as I got home to my apartment the clouds broke and it turned into a beautiful day... which I slept through most of.

10/6/06: 13.1 Mile Race. Well, as much of a race as one can simulate when one is running alone along the East River and West Side Highway on a Friday morning. But, for not having anyone to push me besides Mr. Bruce Springstein (Born to Run), I finished in 1 hour 52 minutes and 30 seconds. My goal for the half marathon has been to break 2 hours... and HOW! My average mile was around 8:30, high five! Oh, weather conditions: chilly and drizzling. Should have worn more than my shorts and singlet, but once I realized that there was no turning back.

10/8/06 am: Lovely 6 mile run through beautiful Woodstock, VT. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood... and I went left. Apparently I was supposed to go right. Eventually found my way back (after some wonderfully steep hills), and cruised through the fall foliage, past emily's second grade teacher's house (thanks for the easily recognizable landmarks em!), over the covered bridge, through the town green (how provincial), and back to the geiger's where I enjoyed a delicious breakfast of bacon and french toast. that was definitely the best part of the run. Weather: cold.

10/8/06 pm: eagles v. cowboys game served as my crosstraining for the week as my heart rate was at 90% of max for 3 hours straight. i heart lito sheppard.


At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heart Lito Sheppard too! And I heart Sarah and I'm sooo glad I didn't have to run in the 30 degree weather with her on Sunday morning! You're an Unstoppable Force Sarah!

At 10:58 PM, Blogger TFK Bob said...

Glad to have you back. Be careful on Saturday, the point is not to go fast, especially if you are not 100%. You may even want to run 20 instead of 23, I think that is an option.

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Dave Wakeman's Blog said...

Those people at Grete's were wimps. Rain...what rain?


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